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Shining Bright Living Today 이미지

Shining Bright Living Today
인디펍 | 부모님 | 2025.01.31
  • 정가
  • 16,000원
  • 판매가
  • 14,400원 (10% 할인)
  • S포인트
  • 800P (5% 적립)
  • 상세정보
  • 0.312Kg | 0p
  • ISBN
  • 9791167566638
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  • 주문수량
  • ★★★★★
  • 0/5
리뷰 0
  • 출판사 리뷰
  • 작가 소개
  • 회원 리뷰

  출판사 리뷰

“You started this business all by yourself a year and a half ago, and now you have a staff of 220 people. Remember who did that.” This line, spoken by Ben Whittaker (Robert De Niro) to Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway) in the film The Intern, carries a powerful message about self-reflection and recognizing one’s own value. In the movie, Jules is the founder of a successful online fashion startup that has grown explosively, putting her in a position many would envy. However, beneath the surface, she struggles with self-doubt due to the pressures of running the company, managing investors, and facing personal challenges. Ben’s simple yet profound words remind her of her achievements and become a turning point for her to regain lost confidence.
This scene goes beyond a character’s personal transform-ation; it conveys an important lesson we often overlook. Modern society moves rapidly, constantly demanding results. In such an environment, people tend to focus on what they haven’t achieved rather than appreciating their accomplishments, leading to self-doubt. But as Ben points out, it’s crucial to look back at what we’ve done and acknowledge our worth. Recognizing our efforts and achievements becomes the foundation for a brighter future.
This awareness of self-worth applies not only to professional success but also to relationships, daily challenges, and personal growth. Many people impose overly high standards on them-selves, becoming their harshest critics, which can diminish self-esteem. However, we need to be more compassionate with ourselves. Acknowledging our efforts and accomplishments doesn’t mean complacency. Instead, by recognizing our value, we gain healthier motivation and renewed energy.
Moreover, having people like Ben who support us is equally important. Positive perspectives from those around us help us rediscover the value we often overlook in ourselves. Ben’s encouragement illustrates the significant impact mentors and supporters can have. Our wort

  작가 소개

지은이 : 서승종
건설엔지니어이다. 전라남도 장흥에서 출생하였다. 한양대학교 건축공학과를 졸업하고 동 대학원에서 건설관리학으로 석사를 취득하였다. 현대건설 GS건설에서 근무하였다. 저서로는 <건설영어약어사전> <정리합시다> <경제 금융 약어 사전> <FIDIC Red Book 해설> <의미 있는 삶> <함께 가는 길><Let's Wrap It Up> <I Have a Dream> <We Go Together>가 있다.The author is a construction engineer. He was born in Jangheung, Jeollanam-do, South Korea. He graduated from Hanyang University with a degree in architectural engineering and obtained a master's degree in construction management from the same university's graduate school. He worked at Hyundai Engineering & Construction and GS Engineering & Construction. His publications include [Construction English Abbreviations Dictionary], [Let’s Wrap It Up], [Economics Abbreviations Dictionary], [FIDIC Red Book Study], [I Have a Dream], [We Go Together], and [Shining Bright Living Today].



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