출판사 리뷰
Standing in the Rain Together
In his essay, Shin Young-bok wrote, “To help is not to hold an umbrella but to stand in the rain together.” This profound statement encapsulates the true essence of love and solidarity. It challenges us to reflect on genuine relationships and humanity, emphasizing that love and solidarity go beyond material support to require active participation in another’s pain and joy.
What is love? Love is not limited to comforting or protecting someone. It is about empathizing with their emotions and sharing the weight of their life. The phrase “standing in the rain together” symbolizes the act of being present in someone’s struggles. True love involves not avoiding their pain and anxiety but staying with them, enduring the rain together. This illustrates that love is not just about warmth and happiness but often stems from the courage to embrace discomfort and suffering.
Solidarity shares similar essence. It is not about supporting from a distance but about stepping into the same situation and sharing its burdens. Holding an umbrella represents temporary protection, while “standing in the rain together” reflects accepting their reality and finding solutions alongside them. Solidarity involves more than physical aid; it demands emotional and mental connection. It links isolated individuals and reaffirms the value of humanity through shared experiences.
Shin’s statement succinctly conveys the essence of love and solidarity, offering profound insight into how we should live. True love and solidarity do not end with acts of aid; they involve deeply empathizing with others, sharing their joys and sorrows, and growing together. This is a guide for practicing humanity and supporting one another as members of a community.
The metaphor of standing in the rain together represents the most authentic form of love and solidarity. It teaches us that true human connection is not about shielding others from hardship but about being present with them, no matter h
작가 소개
지은이 : 서승종
건설엔지니어이다. 전라남도 장흥에서 출생하였다. 한양대학교 건축공학과를 졸업하고 동 대학원에서 건설관리학으로 석사를 취득하였다. 현대건설 GS건설에서 근무하였다. 저서로는 <건설영어약어사전> <정리합시다> <경제 금융 약어 사전> <FIDIC Red Book 해설> <의미 있는 삶> <함께 가는 길><Let's Wrap It Up> <I Have a Dream> <We Go Together>가 있다.The author is a construction engineer. He was born in Jangheung, Jeollanam-do, South Korea. He graduated from Hanyang University with a degree in architectural engineering and obtained a master's degree in construction management from the same university's graduate school. He worked at Hyundai Engineering & Construction and GS Engineering & Construction. His publications include [Construction English Abbreviations Dictionary], [Let’s Wrap It Up], [Economics Abbreviations Dictionary], [FIDIC Red Book Study], [I Have a Dream], [We Go Together], and [Shining Bright Living Today].